Street Fighter 2 was the first video game I every played, and for that reason I loved it. The popular 1 on 1 fighting series basically revolutionised console fighting games and most modern fighting games in some way pay their respects to that absolute classic. The console realease of Street Fighter 4 also garnered a lot of praise and is apparently one of the best fighting games on the console, but for me, it's fairly boring. That's ok. We are all different and some games just won't gel with us, even though they are supposed to be excellent, but 7 year old me feels sad. SF4 has been praised for it's netplay and online modes, which isn't really relevant to me. Its graphics, which are beautiful. But most of all praise was heaped upon its deep gameplay. I think that is probably the issue for me. As far as a pick up as go fighter, SF4 isn't really it. It feels sluggish and slow to start off with, and combos and special moves are really hard to pull off. Another issue I have with the game is the lack of story and the poorly animated cutscenes. The characters and their backgrounds was one of the main draws of the SF series, yet it seems to have been slightly ignored here. I'm sure If i stuck a good 20 hours into this game I would love it, but so far in my 4 attempts I haven't got much out of it.

Reviewed on Dec 14, 2023


22 days ago

Interesting you found combos harder in this one. Me personally I find it way harder to do them in all of the Street Fighter games that came before this one, but then also I got into Street Fighter mainly through the modern games instead of the classic ones, so that could have something to do with it.

21 days ago

@Serious it may have something to do with the horrible xbox 360 d-pad also.

21 days ago

@Antoniabaka Oh that's true. Did you ever try using the stick? that helped a lot for me.