I had slightly high hopes for this one. I mean being in a motorcycle club sounds cool as fuck. Road rash was absolutely great, smashing riders off their bikes with chains, excellent. Godspeed you black emperor is one of my favourite movies. Even ride to hell had some cool gang brawling. Motorcycle club doesn't do any of this unfortunately, and even with some nice ideas, it fails at some of the basics. To be fair, I should have seen this coming a mile off, but the game initially looks kinda cool. The club house style menu is nice. You have some bike customisation and different real life bikes to purchase. The racing itself features boosts, jumps and skill points which charge up your boost, fairly standard but still nice. The most interesting part is bike swapping. You have 3 bikes to use and you can swap between the three to handle different types of terrain. This is quite tactical and adds some variety to the game. Swapping between the three bikes to get the fastest times is novel at first, but as soon as you realise all 3 bikes handle like shit, it's pretty much game over. Not being able to properly handle corners is criminal. What makes it even worse is the visuals. The visuals are very cluttered and depth perception is really bad. It makes it almost impossible to see where you are meant to turn. It feels like one of those old 16 bit fake 3d racing games. This is even worse in stages set at night when it is already dark and hard to see. The other really annoying point is the weird screen blur that happens far too frequently. It's very much an unfortunate disaster of a game, but in line with big ben studios other work.

Reviewed on Jan 03, 2024
