Another extremely niche sports game, probably catered for the EU market. But for once it's a sport that I actually quite enjoy watching. As an endurance sport, long stage cycling events such as the tour de France as all about the incredible athleticism of the competitors and the fine line between when and how much to push. It's a sport of tiny battles over a long and gruelling war. Unfortunately, this doesn't translate very well to a video game, at least not for those like me with a short attention span and a sever lack of time. The game involves battles on shortened versions of the tour de France stages as part of a team. You can choose which rider from your team to race with each race, issue team orders and eat snacks to sustain energy. In theory, cyanide studios have done about as well as they could with the type of game they are making. In practice though, the gameplay is just boring really. The crux of the game relates to setting a speed for your rider to go at, then speeding up and down slightly to keep in line with other riders. You will also occasionally time some attacks to get you to the front of the pack, but these come few and far between. The thing that really puts me off is how long races are. Of course this makes sense due to the nature of the sport, but each stage takes a long time to complete and a lot of this time is spent not doing a lot. If you are extremely patient and love the sport, I am sure this game could be enjoyable. I just think it's not for most gamers.

Reviewed on Jan 03, 2024
