One of the worst feelings is getting quite a few hours into a game before realising, I'm not having fun. Your left with the difficult choice of giving up or attempting to keep going. The best thing about NFL tour is that it is not like this. You can tell pretty much as soon as you but the disk into the console that it's going to be bad. From the gaudy loading menus and music to the complete lack of game modes or features, it's obviously junk. You can jump into the Tour mode, try exhibition or try some of the weird mini games. The thing is, all of them are fairly similar. You are stuck in this weird walled NFL pitch, given the option to run along the walls and press A to dodge tackles. One big problem is that it is really easy to duck out of tackles, so if you have the ball, you will score. The other issue is that once you have played one game you have seen it all, that's all there is to the game, it's that bad. But nothing compares to worst thing about these game. The horrible horrible commentary. I'm not sure if this made me like the game more or less, but the commentary is so bad it might have come back around and become good again. Horrible.

Reviewed on Jan 03, 2024
