Development cycle hell game with horrible reviews on release, Aliens Colonial Marines is a mess. It's a real shame as it could have been really decent, especially seeing as how good Alien Isolation was. Instead of an interesting horror game, we have a fairly generic FPS which isn't quite as bad as most people say. With a fairly standard story of a fire-team being sent into a space ship with unknown problems, ACM takes you along a very short campaign with some standard multiplayer features that we don't need to think about in 2024. Perhaps it was my really low expectation, but I did find myself enjoying my time with the game. I didn't notice many glitches which are frequently complained about and did quite enjoy the atmosphere of the game which looks and feels like the movie. The dark abandoned space ship, the Xenomorphs which constantly hunt you and the motion tracker. Now this doesn't hide the poor enemy AI and bog-standard FPS combat, but it does go some way to make the game more enjoyable. Aliens Colonial Marines is kinda bad, but not as bad as everyone thinks. As a huge FPS and Aliens fan, I enjoyed my time with ACM. If you see it cheap, give it a try.

Reviewed on May 13, 2024
