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Days in Journal

1 day

Last played

March 11, 2024

Platforms Played


Perhaps it was the atmosphere in which I played Borderlands: The Pre-Sequel, or perhaps it's because the humor just isn't for me anymore... The Borderlands franchise just doesn't seem to be for me.

I can't make too many comments about this game, as I only played it for about an hour, but for the first hour or so I wasn't fully impressed. Enemies soaked up bullets like sponges to water, and I often felt like my shots did almost no damage.

Again, I can't fault the game fully for this, as perhaps this is a game mechanic and I'll get stronger and better guns as time goes on? But for the first hour, I really struggled.

The humor has become quite dated- I am playing this 10 years after it released. While some jokes are timeless, Borderlands' humor stems from "wow look how colorful and wacky our characters are acting!" It feels a bit too... teenager, for me. I'm sure I would have loved this if I played it 10 years ago. But, unfortunately, this type of humor just doesn't do much for me these days.

It doesn't seem like a bad game- I'm giving it a 3 out of 5. I'll definitely go back and try and play some more. But again, for the first hour or so nothing really got me excited to pursue it further. I feel like I'm giving it a second chance out of obligation, rather than picking it up because it's fun.

And isn't that what a game should be? Fun? Shouldn't I feel excited to get off work, have a weekend full of free time to be spent playing a game? I know I've felt this way about other games... just not this one.