What confuses me is that Nintendo refuses to add content to the full-priced game and instead give all their attention to the mobile game nobody asked for.

At least we get some new content for once, and quite a big update at that! Both free and paid dlc. Sure looks like a ton of fun but has it been worth all the wait? ...

Reviewed on Oct 15, 2021


I saw someone mention that they probably originally planned to have all this out much sooner, but COVID delayed development, as that hit as soon as the base game came out.

2 years ago

@BlankGelion , yeah COVID could explain a lot. What I think most people wanted was more frequent updates instead of dropping one final update all at once. If they did that, they possibly could’ve avoided the delay.

2 years ago

@TheDubstepDoge , yeah let’s hope:)

2 years ago

why do you have this as "played" when it's not out yet?

2 years ago

@mehdigeek , so that I could make a review to share my thoughts and see what everyone else thought:)