It only took five years but they finally released a thing that got me hooked on this series. At least playing enough that I want to see it through. I feared at first that I was jumping on so late and that I'd have to catch up and it'd be this daunting and monumental endeavor when really it was almost the opposite. Turns out, these expansions are built in such a way that everyone is brought up to a new bare minimum and you go from there. I have lots of friends that are pretty die hard into this game so I didn't have any trouble getting any help I needed. There's a lot to the game and it feels pretty great to play now that I found gun types and classes that suit how I like to play. I think the biggest thing that helped me get into this though is the lore and story stuff. Interesting things were happening that were huge twists on stuff I had a basic understanding of which also affects gameplay so that was what drew me in. From there, the game did a great job presenting it's story content in a way that was easy to understand without feeling dull. From there, what I learned and played had me more curious and lead to me looking into more lore stuff on my own. It's all very interesting and unlike when the game first launched, Witch Queen offers immaculate cutscenes that are rich in story and feel as though they have a passion behind them. Characters feel deeper and I actually want to sit and watch the story play out now. So now I'm into this game that's fun with friends that also has a pretty neat story to tell. I won't go as far to say that I'm in it for good now but this is definitely the most I've cared about Destiny ever and I'm real excited for what comes next.

Reviewed on Apr 18, 2022
