An incredible parody of typical JRPG games while still being great in it's own right. The combat in the game isn't anything special much like said JRPGs. I can't tell if it's just clever to cover up for it or not. I enjoyed the actual content of most battles though so I guess that's what matters. The actual story that goes on is fantastic. Like I said it just pokes fun at mainstay JRPGs of old but still manages to be its own thing enough to be enjoyable. No spoilers from me though.

I also want to point out every other aspect of this game is incredible. The characters are all funny even when they have one line. Most of the monsters have unique and excellent looking designs in an art style I really dig. Anything that wasn't that was part of a joke and still good because of it. The music in this is phenomenal. I don't think there's a track on the whole game that isn't a banger. The game is just straight up funny too. I loved it.

I don't really want to cover much more on it than that. This game should be enjoyed and explored with fresh eyes. Easy to do when it's free, lasts two hours max, and can probably run on any computer made in the last decade. Excellent time if you can appreciate humor and have played some old school RPGs. HUGE recommend.

Reviewed on Feb 09, 2023
