The first and probably last Persona-game I will play. I didn't know what I was getting myself into, and while initially I was intrigued by the "socializing" part of the game, I noticed pretty quickly that I just don't care about that. So, I hoped that at least the RPG aspect would draw me in... But it didn't. Basic and straightforward, there was just not much to it. It was also infuriating how often the game would recap the events that had just happened minutes before, assuming that players have the attention-span of a fruitfly.

Probably a good game overall, just not for me.

Reviewed on Aug 25, 2023


9 months ago

attention-span of a fruitfly? You made me slightly interested in this game lmao

9 months ago

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9 months ago

Considering the game is designed and seemingly expects the player will be playing in spurts as opposed to 6-8hr game sessions, it only makes sense there would be recaps for story centric details. I will say as someone who likes to play for a few hrs per session, it would have been nice if there was simply a togglable option.

In regards to the One More gameplay system, I don't know how you could consider the multiple means of attacking "basic". Gun attacks, One Mores, Baton Pass, the numerous Persona builds, and party composition, it is very, very far from being "basic". Especially when you compare it the MANY RPGs that base their system around games like OG Final Fantasy, Dragon Quest, and Pokémon where it doesn't get any more "basic" and mind-bogglingly simple than that.

This assumption may be misplaced but honestly with the way you wrote this review, it comes across as if you either didn't get far into the game (which would go against the "Completed" status or you simply just don't like RPGs- which is okay, but that shouldn't warrant a disingenuous review.

9 months ago

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9 months ago

@TheQuincy I am not someone that has time to play 6-8h consecutively. My sessions usually last 1-2 hours. I played P5 for ~120h and got the platinum, which means one entire NG playthrough with all maxed out covenants and a partial NG+ playthrough with all the additional requirements to face and beat the secret boss.

Given the time I spent with the game and all the content I experienced, I don't think my review can be called "disingenuous".
As I already mentioned, I can see why people like the game and I can agree that it might even be a good game, but, as stated, it's just not for me. And I am confident that the main reason is the "socializing" part. I just didn't enjoy that type of gameplay, which I didn't know from other JRPGs I played.

9 months ago

@Arcesius You seem to misunderstand: I am not saying that you play 6-8h consecutively. If you reread, I said "as opposed to" meaning that the game does not expect you to play that much time, hence why again I said the recaps make sense.

Regardless of how much time you spent on the game, what you're saying can still be perceived as disingenuous. I don't have the time to re-explain my short comment, but I ask you read it once again calmly and slowly, because it seems as if you just misunderstood my entire comment.