I know there is a good game here, but there are only specific aspects of it that appeal to me specifically, and some crucial ones that unfortunately don't.

I love how fleshed out the characters are, how they have consistent personalities, and I think the voice acting is incredible. I loved exploring a world so well-known to me.

But unfortunately, I didn't enjoy the combat. I already disliked the direction they took with FF XV, and I feel the same with this one. It would be silly to call it shallow, as anyone that completed the Shinra Battle Simulator knows how complex it can be, but you don't need to learn any of it for the entire game. I also didn't like how linear the entire game was. And while it's true that the original was also linear, they could have broken up that linearity in newly added places such as Hojo Laboratory, where they introduce Red XIII's ability to wallride, but do absolutely nothing interesing with it.

Reviewed on Aug 31, 2023
