🏆Platinum #💯

Nine Parchments [PS4]
Full disclosure, dapat talaga Kingdoms of Amalur yung pang 100th ko pero ito yung na una eh 😅 pero ok lang naman

Story time! Short lang ito promise. This game is near and dear to my heart because I used to play this a lot back in college on the Nintendo Switch. Played it so much that I've already completed it a 100% already on the switch. And if you know me as a trophy hunter especially with Hades well... it just really goes to show that as long as I really really like the game then I wouldn't mind playing it again

This game is hella fun! Twin stick siya ala Magicka. Though I played Magicka na, I prefer Nine Parchments. Check out my Plat video for a little bit of gameplay.

Tips for plat:
Tip #1 - Lots of trophies are unlock so and so character variations. Some are like collect 4 fire spells, what I did for the those conditions is that I play a solo game then at the very last stage, I just connect another controller. This is because it'll let you pick numerous spells from the get go thus you can easily fulfill some unlock conditions this way. Sorry if malabo yung instructions pero magegets niyo naman what I'm talking about when you play
Tip #2 - Back up your save! The toughest difficulty is needed to unlock the other characters and this difficulty features a perma death and deletes your save upon death
Tip #3 - keep a guide nearby. Nine Parchments doesn't have a chapter select, as in replay mo whole campaign kung may na miss ka. So to minimize the number of playthroughs, consult a guide for an optimized run.

Happy Gaming everyone! ❤ 🌸

Reviewed on Mar 24, 2022
