Three Fourths Home is basically a phone call simulator. It's a very short game. I liked the story "the drunkard". You can choose if your partner is a boy or a girl because of the pronoun used, nice touch on the game.

This game is not for everyone. Why is it you ask? it's a walking simulator without walking. Just kidding. I stated that because a lot of quote unquote walking simulators are narrative heavy games. And I can say the same for this game. The whole game happens in a span of one phone call. While the character and I guess, 'you' as the player is driving through a storm. So perhaps it's a phone call simulator? I played on the Nintendo Switch and you had to hold down the ZR button the whole time to progress the conversation. It was cool at first but it got annoying it just felt off, I guess they were going for realism. Coming from Firewatch which is a legit walking simulator game, just wanna point out the controls. In Firewatch it felt more natural. In this game it did not, and the whole game depended on conversations and the control and button scheme made me kinda press the wrong button thus making me skip a dialogue that I haven't read yet. Anyway that was just a tiny nitpick for me. I really like the art style of this game, it's very minimalistic. Also it has a knack for tiny details like let's say while you're talking you mentioned something like a building you passed by and then suddenly that is reflected in your drive, you see that very building in the background as you drive past by. Really cute. Since it's a narrative driven game of course the focus here is the story. I mentioned it isn't for everyone because of this very reason. Kudos to them delivering quite a heavy story in just a very short time. I think that's impressive. Short synopsis no spoilers. You play as Kelly as she just moved back to her parent's house, she's driving home as a storm picks up. And she's talking to her family as she is doing so.. I won't spoil it here but lemme just say I personally wasn't able to relate but I was still able to feel it and get emotionally invested. So yeh I enjoyed the writing of the game. Also play with earphones, you'll feel it more. I say give this game a try if you got curious.

Reviewed on May 13, 2020
