69th game finished for this year!

1 star only for the Orlog dice game
Sigh... so where do I even begin. I'll be honest I thought this would be the first mainline Assassin's Creed game that I wouldn't be able to finish. As a huge fan of AC, heck I loved the hell out of Odyssey, I really wanted to like this game. And also my love surprised me with this game. Shout out to you my happy pill. Anyways. I tried, but really... Aside from the obvious setting and some quality of life improvements this is basically the same game since Origins. And Origins came out in 2017. We've all been playing the same game for the last 3 years. Valhalla was just too bloated and it dragged on. Bigger is not always better. I don't want a large world, I want a meaningful one. Bummer too because the settlement aspect I thought would harken back to AC Brotherhood but nope. It was just a let down

And also. Bring back the berserk darts!

Reviewed on Dec 18, 2020
