I liked this game!

First of all, I must say that I played it for free, because a friend invited me to play with him. That definetly had an impact on my enjoyement, because I was not expecting anything from the game :)

So, It Takes Two is a 2 players cooperative puzzle platformer. You play a couple contemplating divorce. At the start of the game, the daughter of both characters will turn her parents into very small creatures, like in "Arthur and the Minimoys", and your goal will be to find a way to become human again.Therefore, you will have to platform and help each other along the way, restoring the bond between the two as you progress.

That being said, the writing is not the strong aspect of the game. The topic chosen is good for a cooperative game, but the way it is treated is just too cliché and boring. The "book of love" character is unbearable and he appears way too often to interrupt gameplay. There were multiple occasion where we just wanted to skip the cutscenes, a thing I usually avoid to do.

Also, I played it in French, and the subtitles do not follow the voice acting at all! Sometimes a character says something and the subtitles says it using a negative. This leads to some weird timing where a character says "yes", but the subtitles says "no".

Thankfully, the gameplay on the other hand is pretty good. The character controls feels great, once you've learned the moves you can really go fast, even in the platforming sections.
The game is not hard at all, there are checkpoints very regularly, the platforming is very permissive and the puzzles are more designed to stop you for 5 seconds than to make you think. In a solo game, this would be kinda light, but in a coop game, where the two players don't necessarly have the same experience it is a good approch to allow everyone to have fun. Just don't go in expecting great challenges.

Gameplay is also very varied, the game allows itself to completely change the controls schemes from time to time to create small sections in a completely different genre. It is never really develloped, but it keeps the gameplay fresh.

The pacing is strange tho, there are amazing chapters with great mechanics and ideas, but there also are very slow sections with boring repetitive task to do (pushing crates, yayyyyyyy).
Also, in every part of the game the two players each have a unique tool that they can use to solve puzzles. For exemple, near the beginning, Cody has some nails and May has a hammer. Those tools are usally fun to use, but the more you progress, the less interesting they get because even tho the object itself is different, it does the samething as another object you had before. Moreover, the some will let you interact with your partner, for exemple you can pin May in the ground with a nail or hit Cody with the hammer to press him in the ground. This is fun, but unfortunately this is not a recurring thing, and it is way less fun when you have no way of trolling your friend.

There are also a lot of bonus mini-games spread across the adventure. Those are usually fun, there are a couple of great ones (the curling one is really fun) and some very boring ones (every mini-game where you have to aim at something quickly and precisely, and also chess). This is cool, because it makes you want to explore and you always have something to check in the scenery while waiting for your friend.

The last section of the game felt a bit rushed and was disapointing. There were some great boss fight during all the game, but for the final moments of the game they choose to have a "Hold Y to win"... At least it was funny to stop holding Y and completely stop the action in a very akward way, just as in every other games that uses this mechanic... I guess.

Other than that, the game is really beautiful and filled with many little secrets and interactions. Having the characters being the size of a chessnut allows for some fun environment and they are very varied. Also, the game is pretty long considering it's a coop experience. It took us more than 6 month to find the time to play together haha! Fortunately, the story is not very important or interesting so this was not an issue.

I was pleasantly surprised to see a EA game where the second player can just download the game for free and go through the whole experience! More so, I did not encounter a single networking issue during the 15h it took us to play the whole thing. Very surpring coming from EA!

This is my review for It Takes Two!
Should you play this game, I would recommend to play it with someone that likes friendly competition, instead of playing with your lover like the game makes you think it was made for. I think you will have more fun like this, because the things it tells on love and couple health are very conventionnal and do not make you think deeper.

Thank you for reading my thoughts! :)

Reviewed on Dec 02, 2023


6 months ago

Okay, but how many does it take ?

Boomer joke aside, I am surprised you didn't like the book of love, which in my opinion was the only tasteful character in the game. Now don't get me wrong : it is not well written. But at least, it made me feel something. Unfortunately, in your case, it was unbearability ^^

Your catch on the game's interesting. As for myself I played it with my lover (as you not recommended to) and we abandoned it during the wasp chapter. I must take time to write my thoughts on backloggd.

As usual, thanks for your review.

6 months ago

It Takes Two 🤓

Well, the book of love is fun at the start but he comes so often that it gets really annoying, because he doesn't change, he is always saying the same stuff over and over (as every character in this game lol).

I think playing with your lover is not necessarly a bad idea, but the game really pushes both players to engage in competition (that being via the mini-games, the tools at your disposal or the many parts of the game where one character have to help the other to progress and can very easily mess with him with the push of a button). That's one the aspect of the game I enjoyed the most, and if your lover don't have a very competitive spirit, the game will not be as chaotic and it won't be the same experience. That's why I recommended playing with someone that likes competition!