Luigi's Mansion 3 is a fun puzzle adventure game disguised as a survival horror game!
If you are the type of person that is easely scared, you can rest assured! The game never really tries to scare you or to put pressure on you. The only one scared in this game is that poor Lugi haha!

So, in this game you play as Luigi, who must explore a haunted hotel to rescue his friends, that have been turned into paintings. To do so, you will have to solve puzzles and fight many ghost using your vacuum, that can suck object and ghost or blow air, a lamp and a suction cup grapple, in order to unlock and explore the many floors of the hotel.

The first thing I noticed when playing it, every object reacts to physics. Coupled with your ability to vacuum or blow in any direction, every action you take creates a huge mess of flying objects everywhere on the screen and it is very fun! What's make this even more impressive is that the game looks gorgeous, the lighting is amazing, and the game never slows down!

Puzzles are all very clever and varied! Part of the fun of this game is to see how objects react to your arsenal of tools and try to guess what chain reaction will lead to the next door opening.
There are also many secrets everywhere! They serve no purpose other than completion, but I found myself really invested in finding them, because it is fun to interact with everything in the scenery!

You can tell that this game has been made with children in mind, because by default the game gives you hints on what to do next. This can thankfully be disabled in the option and I recommend doing so, because the game don't even wait for 30s before telling you a hint, and it really hinders the sentiment of discovery. And if you really get stuck on a particular puzzle, you can always re-enable this feature temporarily, just as I did on the Cinema Floor.

Speeking of floors, there are a total of 17 and they all have their unique theme and mechanics. I loved that there are no limits with how crazy they can get, from the very classical hotel look to the egyptian desert, a pirate bay or a medieval castle. It makes unlocking new floors even more fun because while you wait for the elevator to lift you, you always try and guess what you will see next!

Apart from the bosses of each floor, there aren't many different ghosts (I believe there are 4 main types and small variations for each of them), but the situations in which you encounter them are sufficiently varied to make you forget that.

My only real complaint: I would have liked that the game told me I could control everything using only the triggers, instead of having to use the face buttons. When I discovered that R = A, L = Y and L + R = X, it made combat and puzzle solving a lot more enjoyable, because it increased my mobility by a lot.

So, if you are searching for a good puzzle adventure game, with goofy characters and cathartic gameplay that allows you to destroy every object that you cross, I can recommand this game! Its length is reasonable (I beat it in 12h30) but if you are really trying to find all the secrets, I think you could take almost twice as long as I did!

Reviewed on Dec 12, 2023

1 Comment

6 months ago

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6 months ago

What you explain about children seems very true in my experience. I bought this game and didn't even had the time to play it before my gf put her hands on it and enjoyed it as one of her favorite switch game. OFC, it does not mean my gf is a child, because it's as immoral as illegal. She simply is a new player, that dicovered videogames 2 years ago and still struggle with things such as complexe bindings or camera control. I think having redundanct bindings + not having to think about the camera helps a lot newer players to enjoy this game very much. It's also a quite easy game, which is very enjoyable considering a tough challenge can be very reluctant for new players.