80% of action video games make you feel like a superhero, from stunt plumbers to teenage girls with boomerangs (Kya) or robber raccoons who operate M: I style, so the "feel like superhero" thing is
somewhat innocuous words for me.
We all know that the poor sociocultural conception of video games relegates superhero licenses to being embedded in the most obvious ways, such as platforms or beat em ups, always losing an important part along the way of what makes them special , superpowers or politics, and fact is that arkham city is not that different in substance. Asylum was a hybrid of melee combat, stealth and puzzles, in a relatively controlled environment that was explored in a monitored way through multifunctional gadgets that served as a key, not unlike a contemporary production of Nintendo or Ubisoft.
With a setting on the way between the comic of the long halloween and John Carpenter's escape from new york, rocksteady packages the most recognizable aesthetic of batman in the pop scene and, as did the animated series, it translates it into modern pop video game language. but although the result has charm, and doesn't seem to want to bloat with hours of content, does not evade some bad avenues of the AAA scene

This is the batman for a new generation, adapts the character without complexities or obstacles to a language that until 2011, never found a way to do it properly. at the same time, it is an x-ray of modern video games
what’s missing from contemporary video Games culture? I would say it is integrity, a lot if we talk about pop video games of the 2010s. Maybe it was the fault of the Great Recession or maybe it was the increase in costs in the productions of the HD era? The thing is that little by little we begin to demand content for content, if bigger, prettier, for more hours, the better. The next we already know

Reviewed on Aug 25, 2021

1 Comment

2 years ago

Would you mind expounding how Arkham City did or does serve as paradigm of AAA design?