The story is genuinely phenomenal.
It builds the mystery in a very satisfying way and when everything starts falling into place it's done masterfully. The entire meta narrative and the more crazy elements are also included in a fantastic way. The focus here is mainly on the plot & Alan tho so while the side characters are charming they're nothing too special.

The DLC also adds a lot to this story as it dives deeper into the more crazy parts and it really fleshes out the ending, which I loved.

The gameplay is definitely the worst part though as it feels extremely PS3 in the worst ways. It has interesting ideas but the basic gunplay feels very aged & isnt satisfying. Most combat encounters feel like a chore and there are a lot of them. I really wish this game wasnt so action heavy, smaller encounters work fine and can be enjoyable, but doing the bossbattles or fighting waves of enemies is simply not fun.

Reviewed on Feb 02, 2024
