It's a cold day in hell when i'm dropping a Monolith Soft game but here we are. To be fair, there are good things about the game. The spritework is pretty nice and i liked seeing the characters interact, even if i only knew like half of them because the other half, specifically half of the Namco characters here, are from dead or literally who franchises even for the time and at the end of the day, this is a crossover game. It's not meant to be taken seriously. I also have to mention that i do like the OC protags in this game. Reiji and Xiaomu do make for a pretty likable duo.

However, the game has one problem and it's the gameplay. The gameplay on paper isn't bad but the more i played, the more i could see where it was going and it was definitely heading down the path of absolute tedium. This is a game where the playable roster keeps getting bigger and bigger and while there are times where the characters would split up, the tedium started to become apparent after 13 chapters (5 prologue chapters and eight main chapters is as far as i played). I really do think this game would be a lot smoother to play if they got rid of like half the cast and got rid of the grid because as it stands, it's just tedium. Better to stop things here than keep playing and wait for the tedium really kicks into unforgivable territory because the main story is 50 chapters long and i don't know how it justifies that.

Reviewed on May 09, 2021
