The level-design is quite different in Catalyst as you have one big Openworld, compared to the 1st game where it was a succession of levels.

While the combat is still really basic, it was improved a lot, and you can take advantage of the environment to deal more damage to the enemies. Smashing a soldier's face against a wall or against one of his friends can be fun.

It's kinda obvious considering both games are 8 years apart, but there was a huge improvement in terms of graphics. The characters look great, especially Faith.
The cutscenes looked really sketchy in the 1st game, even though it had its charm. So I appreciated that they put more effort into it, this time around.

I liked how the music became more dynamic whenever I was able to rush through the buildings without stopping or failing a jump. It's just a small detail, but it's a nice reward for being able to do parkour flawlessly.

I've only done a few side missions after finishing the main story. It was essentially timed missions and it was fun. Most of the time, there was only a couple of seconds left at the end, even if I did a perfect run. The short amount of side missions I've done were decently challenging and fair.

I regret using the runner vision during the entirety of the game. If I replay it, I'll try to use this feature as little as possible!

----------Playtime & Completion----------

[Played in mid-February 2023]
Playtime: 10 hours
Main story complete.

Reviewed on Apr 13, 2023
