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My first Zelda game !

The prologue focuses on Link's life in his hometown, and his relation with the other villagers, especially the other kids. The game immediatly stunned me with its music and scenery. The vibe in the Faron Woods is immaculate, and I liked the twilight aesthetics in the opening scene.

The game quickly takes a sharp turn after the invasion of Link's hometown, with his transformation into a wolf; and mostly, the introduction of Midna & the Twilight realm.
I like having a companion in my singleplayer games because it makes me feel less lonely, and Midna was such a great partner. I loved her sassy attitude, and her development throughout the game was heartwarming.

Once I beat the second dungeon, I was more familiar with the zelda formula: the use of keys & backtracking, the map that you need to find to reveal the hidden treasure chests, the new item that you get after beating the mini Boss, etc... it quickly clicked with me. Goron Mines was a great dungeon by the way. I loved the 2 boss fights, both were really cinematic. And I liked the mechanic with the Iron Boots.

After that, I started to spend more time wandering around. I quickly became fond of the openworld, even though some regions were a bit empty, like the Gerudo Desert and the Snowpeaks.
The two themes that you hear in Hyrule Fields are probably my two favorite musics in Twilight Princess. Hyrule Fields night version especially, it's so eerie...
I've always enjoyed going around the hyrule fields after the sun set, solely because of that theme. And riding Epona felt nice. It was a good alternative to fast travel.

Lakebed Temple is where puzzles started to get really spicy. I had a hard time figuring out the layout of the dungeon with the staircases and the flowing water. Despite the epicness of the Boss, I have to admit I was overwhelmed by its non-existent difficulty. In its second phase, the Boss literally doesn't even attack you...

You get a really fun item in Arbiter's Grounds: the Spinner. Sadly you don't get to use it a lot outside of the dungeon, but it was still cool to use a beyblade to kill enemies.
Stallord is the best Boss in the game and it made a great use of the new item.

Palace of Twilight was the least interesting dungeon. It's short, and I expected more from it in terms of puzzles & enemies variety. And its aesthetics weren't interesting enough.
The parts where you're chased by those flying hands were overwhelming. Zant was a great boss fight tho, I liked the idea of turning him into a Boss rush.

Hyrule Castle was such a great final dungeon. Unlike the previous ones, it focuses less on puzzles and more on combat. For once, there were some tough fights, like the moment when you have to beat 2 Darknuts at the same time. And the final encounter against Ganondorf with its multiple phases was neat. The swordfight was fucking epic.

Double Clawshots was my favorite item, and its use in City in the Sky was so satisfying. Amazing boss fight by the way!
But to be honest, there isn't a single bad or mediocre boss in this game. All of them are amazing.

The wolf form was disappointing. It would have been great if Wolf Link acquired new moves throughout the game, just like Human Link.

The conclusion to Midna's storyline was great and almost made me tear up!

----------Playtime & Completion----------

[Played in February 2021]
Playtime: 50 hours
Main story complete. I also did every Howling Stone and collected every Golden Bug.

Reviewed on Jul 02, 2023


11 months ago

Twilight Princess and Majora’s Mask have always sat as my top Zelda games for the longest time and I’m glad people are finally starting to come around on the former and appreciate its brilliance for its unique qualities. It’s not perfect and like any other game in the series, it has its own flaws. But man, those high points in the story are by far my favorite in the franchise. The bridge scene with King Bulblin, the whole Midna segment after the Water temple, Zant as a villain, the inclusion of unnecessary but cool items you get throughout the adventure, or how expressive one can be with combat. It’s stuff that no other Zelda game has been able to replicate in my opinion. Great review, thanks for sharing!

11 months ago

@TripleFFFUser How could I forget to talk about those moments in my review! The fight against King Bulblin on the bridge and the last encounter with him were so fucking good.
Same for the segment with wounded Midna, the music was memorable.

I really want to try the HD version one day, it would be nice to revisit this classic 🧡

11 months ago

@Armakeen Dude yeah, Twilight Princess goes so hard I don't care what anyone says about the game <3

Reading this review got me in the mood to dust off my WiiU and experience the HD version for the first time myself, but I have this suspicion that Nintendo will eventually port it to the Switch so I’ve been holding off on that.