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Assassins Creed Rouge is basically a reskin of Assassins creed Black Flag, but with a different story and setting.

Good things:
- Story
- Soundtrack
- New mechanics
- Basically everything that was good in AC 4

Bad things:
- Bugs
- Visual bugs
- Short game
- A lot of load screens
- Basically everything that is bad or you dont like about AC 4.

You play as a Shay Cormac, who troughout the story discovers the unnecessarily cruelty and selfishness in the Assassin brotherhood.
Thanks to his “hero” personality, he decides to join the Templars and hunt the Assassins for their actions.
The story its self is decent.
Its definitely something new and interesting, however i feel its kinda basic and for sure short.
Troughtout the story, you ecounter multiple characters which you might know from older AC games.
At the end of the story, you take part in an event, which starts the next game in the franchaise (AC Unity), which is quite nice.

As in most AC games, the soundtrack is great.
I personally like this soundtrack more than most soundtracks in the franchaise.

New mechanics:
There arent many mechanics that are new to be honest.
Most of the “new” mechanics are more like a nice addition instead of something “life changing”.
For example breaking ice via your ship when you are in cold area ect.

There are a few bugs that i ecountered.
Most of them were just small visual bugs, that you can easily overlook, but i got some gameplay bugs too.
For example, one time i jumped on a ship and instead of climbing it, i got stuck between the pier and couldnt escape.
This happened multiple times, but always in a different location and not always with a ship.
It was always in a small space/corner.
Personally, i solved the problem by restarting the game.
Fortunatelly, all of my progress was saved, but still it was kinda annoying.

As for the rest of the “bad things”:
They are very little + if you are looking for a short game to play, the lenght of this game can be fitting for you.
I also understand that this is a game for old consoles, like xbox 360, but still, there are quite a lot of load screens (atleast for me).

Overall its a decent Assassins creed game.
If you liked AC 4, you will most likely like this one too.
Personally, i would recommend getting it on sale.
