Far Cry 3 2012

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Far Cry 3 is a must play for the ones who play Ubisoft games.
(Not saying that i like Ubisoft)

Good things:
- story
- World
- Healing animations
- Main quest level design
- Crafting system
- Vaas

Bad things:
- Annoying pirates
- Story lenght
- Game saving system
- Navigation system


Story in Far Cry 3 is very good, in fact, even tho i played only few games from the franchaise, i still think its one of the best if not the best story.
To explain the story a bit, you are playing as Jason Brody, who got captured on an island with his friends during some kind of holidays it seemed.
Obviously, Jason manages to escape and tryes to rescue and escape with all of his friends.
I know, the plot is pretty basic, but the villain makes it 10 times better.
(The villains name is Vaas).


The world it self is pretty big for a 2012 game.
Its also alive.
For example: if you travel by foot, theres a lot of wild animals who will attack you.
However if you choose to travel by a car, there are pirates who will attack and follow you everytime they see you.
As for the exploration, there is an option to fly via rogallo, which is quite nice.
You can also harvest plants and hunt animals.

Healing anmiations, crafting system, main quest level design:

As for a lot of Far Cry games, healing animations are quite brutal and to be honest kinda creative, so if you dont like a bit of gore, i guess blind yourself :D.
For the crafting system, all i can really say, is that its made decently.
And at last, i really enjoyed the main quests, which are very well designed and obviously fun and interesting.

Annoying pirates:

As i mentioned before there are pirates who will hunt you everytime they see you, which can be kinda annoying when all you care about is getting to the destinatiom of the next story quest.
Dont get me wrong, it wouldnt be a problem if there wasnt a pirate on every corner of the map, which i know it should be, because after all its literally a part of the plot.
But still….

Story lenght:

I only put this in the “bad things” just because its kinda short, which isnt necessarily bad.
(It took me about 10 - 11 hours to complete)

Game saving system:

This is another annoying part of the game,
Its probably fixed by now, but sometimes even tho i clicked on “save”, it didnt necessarily save as it should.
All quest progress was still there, but i spawned on a bit different spot and for an example car i drove and parked wasnt there.

Navigation system:

The last annyoing thing about Far Cry 3 is the navigation system.
I dont know if iam just retarded (which probably iam), but the whole navigation system was kinda hard to read.
Not impossible tho, so i guess it just takes some skill.
Either way, i found my self turning the wrong way multiple times thanks to the navigation system.


Its a great game that i recommend.
Yes its old and has some flaws, but the story still holds up.
On sale it goes for like 5 euro or something like that, which is very worth it.


(Copied from my steam review)