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Hogwarts legacy is a game for true Harry Potter fans.

Good things:
- World/map
- Story
- Relationship side quests
- Animations
- Combat
- Minigames
- Beasts mechanics
- Special mission for every house
- Puzzles

Bad things:
- Memory leak (random stuttering even with high pc specs)
- Spell learning mechanics
- No morality system
- Small bugs

The world its self is very detailed, especialy the Hogwarts castle and its surroundings.
The rest of the world is decent, even tho its clear it isnt equal to the Hogwarts castle and its surroundings.
There are a lot of puzzles, dungeons ect to explore, plus some collectibles which i suprisingly enjoyed collecting.
Unlike some games, those collectibles were actaully worth it collecting, thanks to the rewards.

To be honest, the main story its self is kinda mid.
Dont get me wrong, it isnt for sure bad, i just expereinced a lot of better storyes in games.
However, if you are a big Harry Potter fan, i think its not hard to enjoy it.

Relationship side quests:
Ironically, the “Sebastians” quest line was atleast for me better than the whole main story.
What iam trying to say, is that the devs actually put some effort into side quests.
So if you are planning to play this game, dont miss out on those!
They also give you some in game rewards for completing.

All i can say for this aspect, is that animations are very cool.
I guess you need to make your opinion about this aspect kinda on your own, but still i liked it.

Combat in this game is also decent.
It for sure isnt the best of the best, but i personally enjoyed it.
I think theres a little something to it to think about spell comboes, potions, plants ect.
For more casual gamers, it isnt hard to pick up and on easy difficulty its basically free.

As with animations, all i can say for minigames is they are not bad for this small kind of side content.
I guess you again need to experience it for your self.

Beasts mechanics:
Beasts are important side of the wizarding world, so they included interesting things for people who love interacting with them.
For example, you can: catch beast, feed beast, collect beasts, brush beast and with some of them even fly.
However, to unlock this option in the game, it takes some hours to get to the quest which unlocks it.

Special mission for every house:
Maybe iam only the few poeple who like this feature, but there is a special mission for every house. Which gives you the motivation to come back.

Puzzels in this game are kinda cool, fun and most importantly (atleast for me) not stupidly hard.
There are kinda a lot of puzzels with different kinds of difficulty around the world, so if you are into those, i think you would like it.

Memory leak (random stuttering even with high pc specs):
This is very unfortunate for this game.
To explain my problem, i played this game on rtx 4060 and intel i5 13gen.
Which is more than enough for this game.
However, around 30 hours into this game, it randomly started stuttering on random places in random times for about 20 seconds.
From what i red, this is a long existing problem on pc and a lot of people with similar pc specs experienced this.

Spell learning mechanics:
This isnt like a big problem or something, but i feel i need to point this out.
Its just kinda lame, thats all.
All you need to do to learn a spell is to complete an assigment, press a few buttons on your keyboard and thats it.

No morality system:
This is i feel a bigger problem, because i dont think its hard to do, especially on the low level of effort.
Bascailly you can kill any student in hogwarts, and no one actually cares.
I think that this makes the world kinda dull and “empty”.

Small bugs:
In my whole 53 hour playtrough i experienced a few buggs.
All of them thankfully werent game breaking, they just were funny.
For example: npc with open mouth not talking when it should have talked (happened only 1 time), spinning dead spider (also only 1 time) and so on.

I think its a great game, and even better Harry Potter game.
If you are a Harry Potter fan, i highly recommend it, especially on sale even with the kind of “expensive” price tag of 30 euros.


(Copied from my steam review)