Assassins creed Revelations is a sequel to Assassins creed brotherhood, and also last game in the Ezio franchise.
For those who dont know, Ezio is a main protagonist in AC2, AC brotherhood and AC revelations.
Set in the 16th century in mainly Constantinopole (now Istanbul), the story is following aged Ezio trying to find and solve Altairs secrets.
Game and the map is visible smaller then the other previous games.
Which is not a big problem for story enjoyers, because the story is covering missing parts in Altairs life enough.
Only new feature that i found fun was the new hookblade.
The other features as bomb crafting and basically towerdefense side missions were interesting, but i would say not enough.
Overall its a decent game, but i would not buy it for the full price.

(Copied from my steam review)

Reviewed on Jun 08, 2024
