What i enjoyed/liked

The best thing from things i enjoyed in this game gotta be the combat.
I dont really play single player fps games, but damn, once i learned how to properly use and combine abilities i gained during the playtrough. The fast combat was very enjoyble and didnt feel repepetive even after like 20th outpost.

I also enjoyed the "TV arena" which was a good "dungeon".

Another enjoyble thing was random events.
Even tho there wasnt much of it, i found pretty interesting just riding trough a desert and seeing authority ships just destroying some npcs or just randomly meeting a guy to race or a "vehicle boss".

Things i DIDNT enjoyed/liked

Even tho this game isnt focused on story,
I still gotta say that i didnt liked it much even tho it aint that bad.
Story overall is pretty short, and not much interesting.
Idea is not that bad and the story missions were pretty enjoyble because they were basically about the combat. Which as i said, the combat is very good.

I also didnt liked the racing.
I only raced once in this game, and that was only because it was a main mission.
It isnt bad completely, but i found it pretty boring.
Just normal racing with a track and a limited "super boost".

Final thing that got me kinda mad was a bug, that is very annoying and isnt fixed after 4 years?
Basically after you complete mission before the final mission, theres a pretty high chance that the location of the final mission is not gonna show on the map.
Which means, that you cant finish the game even tho you can go to the exact location.
The "bug fix" is pretty simple.
Just replay a part of the almost final mission again and your good.
So if you didnt saved your game in that exact spot, you must do your progress over again.
As i said very annoying especially if you completed a huge part of the map after the problematic mission.


Overall i feel like its definetlly not worth it buying for the full price.


Above avarage but still not that good.
If you want to experience fun fps combat, the game is for you.

(copied from my steam review)

Reviewed on Jun 08, 2024
