Watch dogs is a open world game in present day, based mostly on hacking.
Thanks to their world, it can be similar to gta 5.

Good things:
Firstly, one of the best things for me, that this game can or could offer is the story.
The plot isnt really mindblowing, but that dosent kill the aspect of good and emotionaly written story.
Even most of the characters arent much annoying, if you actually get why are they actin that type of way.
Another good thing is the graphics.
For 2014 game it is very good, plus you can actually feel that you are playing game made in like 2016 thanks to the graphics.
The gameplay is fifty fifty, what i liked about it, was the gun gameplay and the stealth.
I also liked additions like virtual drug trip or hacking in general.
By hacking, i mean mostly puzzels, because that is pretty much hacking in this game.
Last good addition and also interesting one was the fact, that you can automaticly hack in small way every npc that you see.
By hacking in small way, i mean being able to see basic information like what is their name or how much they make a year etc.

Bad things:
The most hated aspect i have for this game is its optimilization.
For a game that is going to be 10 years old this year, it is a shame. Its not that tragic but still not good.
Another thing that i didnt liked was the repeating side quests.
I mean you can make your mind to not do them, and they are not bad, by that i mean they are kind of mediacore, but either way they will stop being fun and entertaining after few hours.
Last thing that isnt really bad but still unpleseant, is a few visual glitches that i experienced trough out my time spent in the game.

Good game that has its flaws.
Bought this game on sale for like 7euros, so it was definitelly worth the price.
If you are thinking about buying this game, i recommend buying it on sale (as most of us do tbh).

8/10 - (I really liked the story)

(Copied from my steam review)

Reviewed on Jun 08, 2024
