Ori is a very colourfull platformer with emotional story and chalanging level design.

Good things:
The first good thing that i noticed by opening the game was its soundtrack.
The soundtrack is very beautiful and matches the atmosphere every momment.
Its also one of the only games, that has good enough soundtrack that i can listen to in my free time.
Second thing i noticed when i opened this game was the graphics and art design in general.
The graphics and art design really suit the saying “never judge the book by its cover”, because its a game released in 2015.
All i can say for it, is that its just beautiful and atmospheric.
The story in this game is really good too.
The plot isnt very mindblowing, but the emotional story telling and a very little few cutscenes makes up for it.
The story telling is just great for a platformer game.
Last thing is the level design.
I feel like its chalanging enough to not be way too easy, but at the same time not way too hard.
Just almost perfect balance i would say.

Bad things:
Homestly there isnt much bad stuff about this game, but i wanna still point out two things.
Firstly the controls, sometimes my character didnt managed to climb something only because the game didnt registered it.
I need to admit it wasnt really often, matter of fact it was quite rare, but still, it was there.
Second thing is the combat.
For some people it can be a relief, but for the hardcore gamers out there, i want to point out that it is very simple, and you can learn how to counter different enemies with their first attack basically.

Overall: It is one of the best platformer games that i have ever played, and maybe one of the best games that i have ever played too.
For 20euros it is worth it, but as usual, if you wait for sale, it wont hurt, because the sale on this game is quite often thanks to its age.

9/10 platformer game

(Copied from my steam review)

Reviewed on Jun 08, 2024
