AC Freedome cry is a good game, when you dont want to pay the full price for AC Black Flag.

Good things:

- Soundtrack
- New mechanics
- Interesting missions
- Story

Bad things:

- Visual bugs
- Very few side quests
- Requirements to start the next story mission
- World

All i can say about the soundtrack is that its very good and matches the vibe of the game that it should have.
Also to be honest i think its better than Blac flags…

New mechanics:
As for the mechanics, there are quite a few.
Firstly, the slave liberating, which was kinda fun, thanks to the multiple options of liberating them.
Secondary, the new weapons.
There were like two new, but still it wasnt literally “boring” using them.

Interesting missions:
By interesting missions, i only mean the ones you are liberating slaves, which i enjoyed quite a bit.
However the game isnt really “filled” with them.

For like 4 - 5 hour game, the story is decent.
Thanks to the size of the game, there wasnt really a character development, but still you can sometimes see some signs of it.
Overall it was no doubt interesting to see Adewales story, especially if you played Black flag first.

Visual bugs:
Unfortunatelly there were still some visual bugs.
For some reason tho, they fixed themselves
right after i started another story mission.
So i guess its nothing to worry about.

Very few side quests:
From what i remember, the only side quests you can play are the ones where you liberate slaves.
Those quests are kinda repetetive i must admit.
Fortunatelly there is atleast for me very little of them (not counting random slave-liberate events).
Overall the whole reason why i put it into “bad things” is because i think it could have been better at filling the emptiness of the world.

Requirements to start main missions:
To be honest, this feature was applyed only like two times trough out the whole story, but still it was a bit annoying.

As i said before, the world feels kinda empty.
It isnt all because of lack of side quests, but also thanks to the spots on the map you can actually be at.
Which is like 60% of the map.

Its a nice dlc i guess.
Definitely worth the 4 euros or something around that amount.
To be honest, i only recommend this game for people who either played Black flag already, or are looking for very cheap pirate/ac experience.


(copied from my steam review)

Reviewed on Jun 08, 2024
