Road 96 is a great “story” game, and even better “chill” game.

Good things:
- Story
- Graphics
- Minigames
- Soundtrack
- Your choises matters
- Mechanics

Bad things:
- Short game

You play as a random teenager with basically no background.
Your only goal is to get yourself across the border.
Simple enough huh?
Well, what makes the story great is the characters you meet along your journeys.
(Yes there are multiple journeys because you play as a random teenager 6 times).
Along your journeys, you can meet 6 characters.
Missions with all of the characters are randomized, so theres a chance you dont meet a certain character trough out some journey/s.
What also makes the story good is the fact, that your decidions matter.
Not exactly every decidion, but some of them.
However at the end of every mission there is a “question” that affects the story, so dont worry, they are kinda frequent.

What can i say, the graphics are great.
Certainly it isnt focusing on “realism”, but more of the cartoonish way, but i still think it matches the game vibe.

There are multiple minigames trough out your journeys.
Some of them you can modify to a certain point, some of them not.
However i need to say they are not bad and kinda fun also.

All i can say for soundtrack is, that it matches the vibe of a certain situation every time.
So basically it serves the purpose how it should serve.

Another aspect which i enjoyed are mechanics.
Basically every mission has its own “mechanics” to a certain point.
Dont expect nothing mind blowing, but i gotta say they for sure werent boring.

Short game:
Yeah, this is literally the only thing i find about this game “not good”.
I understand that for some of you, short and chill games sre exactly what you are looking for, so dont take this aspect personally.
I managed to complete the game (story) in about 8 hours with being afk for some time, so think about that whatever you want.

Overall its a great game if you just want to just chill out after for example a long day at school/work.
For 5 euros (on sale), its definitely worth it.


(Copied from my steam review)

Reviewed on Jun 08, 2024
