Star Wars Battlefront 2 is a good “role-playing” game.

Good things:
- Story (ig)
- Graphics
- Multiplayer
- Soundtrack
- Mechanics

Bad things:
- Cheaters
- Paywalls
- Grind
- Short story
- Un-equality

The story is pretty mid i must say.
However its not “mid enough” to be bad.
As stated in the bad things column, the story is short.
It takes about 7/8 hours to complete.
You play as a pilot of the first order, who troughtout the story leaves the first order and becomes a rebel.
During your playtrough, you also ecounter a few familiar faces, which is nice.
By the way, the main story is pretty good tutorial for the multiplayer.

To be honest, developers did a very good job in structuring different parts of planets you play on.
The lightning etc, was really good too, especially the optimization.

As for the multiplayer, i must say that if you want to “roleplay” a certain character to a certain point, its doing its job pretty well.
The different modes you can choose from are original and fun.
However, as i stated in the bad thins column (again), its a hell of a grind.
You cant enjoy the multiplayer experience to the full atleast at the start, because most of the players you ecounter are either cheating, or are high level.
So for newbies like me, its a rough start.

I guess “as expected” the soundtrack is good.
Especially for Star Wars fans (obviously).
I dont know what else should i say, i just enjoyed it.

It is almost surprising how well they focused on developing mechanics.
Basically, every character in this game has 4 abilities you can use.
Some characters has a similar abilities, some not.
However trust me, theres a quite a few characters in this game.

Bad things i havent wrote about:
All i wanna say under this “title” is that there are some paywalls in this game or more like microtransactions.
If you sticked around in the gaming community when this game released, you could remember the big controversy around microtransactions surounding it.
Personally, i didnt really payed attention to this controversy in that time, but from what i heard, it got a lot better.

It is a great multiplayer Star Wars game with (at the time iam writing this) an active playerbase.
To be honest, the multiplayer isnt for me. However, if you are considering buying it, i would definitely get it on sale.


Reviewed on Jun 17, 2024
