Strangely enough, this game made me realise that the other games in the series were actually better than I'd given them credit for. That's not to say that this entry is bad per se, but it switched things up just enough to make me realise just how much I prefer the way they were before.

For whatever reason, throughout the entire game the weapons felt weak. Even during the tutorial it was taking more shots to put enemies down than it felt like it should've been. Furthermore the lack of marking just makes everything a lot harder than it was probably meant to. In fact a lot of the combat just didn't really feel good at all.

I acknowledge that I played this game "wrong" so I'll make that clear here, this title is very much an attempt at a Far Cry RPG, with the weapons having levels and such with damage that scales accordingly. So by beelining the plot and only doing enough outposts to upgrade my homebase to the required level, I wasn't exactly kitted out by the endgame.

The problem is, through some miracle, neither were my enemies? The penultimate mission sees you fighting the main antagonists - The Twins - and using Level 3 weapons (only 1 shy of the max) it took me an absurd amount of time to kill each of them. Headshots dealing 300 damage and I swear it felt like that had 50,000hp each or something. Not to mention the steady flow of dogs that just appear out of nowhere, grabbing your arm before I could hear them even playing with headphones. But when I finally did kill one and take her weapons, they were level 1? Despite killing me in 4 hits? Bruh

My partner says she had no trouble with this fight at all and that they even went down quickly so this seems to have been my own problem, but idk, I was playing it like a Far Cry game, not like an RPG. Foolish? Maybe. But it hadn't really been an issue until this fight, and it wasn't one for the finale boss either.

That aside, the AI was pretty annoying and this is a really weird thing to mention but the subtitles are so awful. They're not structured at all so any breaks between words or sentences aren't represented. To use an example that hopefully translates well, rather than:
"I'm not trapped in here with you...
You're trapped in here with me" displayed as 2 lines, synced up to the dialogue to show the pause in between them, this game would subtitle it more like:
"I'm not trapped in here with
you. You're trapped in here with me"
and the second line probably wouldn't even show until they were saying the word 'trapped' like bruh

Anyway, besides nitpicking and my own errors the game is alright. I really like the premise of showing Hope County years after the events of 5 but personally for me they changed too much for me to enjoy it nearly as much as I did its predecessor. The twins are fairly interesting and the music/aesthestic is cool, I just couldn't really get into it unfortunately.

Reviewed on Sep 17, 2022
