Enjoyed this quite a lot and the combat wasn't nearly as bad as many people made out, but the overuse of a certain bullet sponge enemy late in the game made for a really disappointing final chapter for me.

Hoping any future DLCs or installments build upon what's good (Karen Fukuhara) and fine tune some of the bad (stop spamming the same 3 jumpscares and reusing 1 enemy type that takes way too long to kill)

Thanks for reading, wishing y'all well. I haven't reviewed the last few completions for a few reasons, most painfully Octopath 2 I was hoping to platinum before reviewing but the super-mega-fuck-you secret boss is kicking my ass and I'm struggling to feel any desire to try it. Loved most of the game though.

May throw a few short words out for my main men Toad and Alan, we'll see. Advance Wars I'll review the double pack when I play 2. Hope to see you all there 🙏

Reviewed on Jun 03, 2023
