It's really boring. Lots of walky-talky sections. The quest design is hilariously restrictive, and I don't like the gunplay (the main quest often turns into a shooting gallery).

I am currently on Chapter 3, and I do not like any of the characters. The story is not engaging at all, and the game just does not feel interactive. The RPG mechanics feel tacked-on and can pretty muxh be completely ignored, except for the Honour system. I dislike karma systems which punish you even if there were no witnesses.

Overall, I do not see the appeal. I'll probabky keep playing, but after roughly 30 hours, the game just feels endless and really boring. It's like they made Kingdom Come: Deliverance without any of the fun.

The reason this gets 3 stars is because the production quality is top-notch, and the game does trudge along at a steady pace. It's all right if you want to turn your brain off.

Reviewed on Sep 20, 2023
