This was, if you'll believe it or not, my first time playing Journey, a game heralded as nothing short of a masterpiece since it came out eight years ago. My not playing it for so long was partially inertia, partially the shame of having to admit I missed it, and partially fear that there would be no one playing this game in 2020 save me, forcing me to both miss the game's valuable cooperative elements, and to mourn the loss of such an incredible game.

But, no mourning today, I found Journey on PS4 to be alive and well, and joined a small troupe of companions during my journey up the mountain. I can't possible have much to say this late in the game that hasn't been said a hundred fold, but this game still does meaningful cooperation and multiplayer so simply and perfectly that it still stands tall as a masterpiece of the craft this far along later, and I hope travelers continue to go up the mountain for years to come, to keep this thing alive and perfectly beautiful.

Reviewed on Jan 05, 2021
