Don't Stand So Close to Me for PC-Engine.

👏👏七転八倒… Simulation👏👏
👏👏合格させてよ おねがい!👏👏

At first when I started this game I wondered why I got stuck with a class full of alcoholics and chain smokers but given how shit of a teacher you play maybe they decided to let you take the fall for these soon to be wonderful members of society. Anyway, it's a pretty normal raising sim. There's some events that check stats like tests and races but I'm not sure they actually matter at all so long as you get the right stats you need for an ending in time.

Each of your students gets an ending, there's a lot of variations but the big three are: going to college, getting a job, or marrying the player character. I only saw the former two and they were pretty unimpressive, and I can't imagine the marriage endings are much longer or any more interesting.

I suppose try it out if you're interested in early dating sims(?) and/or raising sims, or want to play the later games which might be better. Otherwise it's not super interesting. The intro song being a strategy guide is by far the best part of the game.

Reviewed on Feb 18, 2024
