Alan Wake's cinematography and writing is very good. The moody, oppressive nights and the warm, uncomfortable days build a tight and tense atmosphere for the player to spiral into as Alan's own desperation and world collapse around him.

The combat is not good. Hostile props and and attacking enemies with signal-focus flashlights both work great to enhance the atmosphere and nervousness that the player lives in. The problem is the sheer quantity of attacks. Players get more than enough resources to defend themselves; Alan's movement is not sufficient to deal with the swarms of enemies players will find themselves towards the end of the game. I'd prefer it if the player received way fewer resources and fought way fewer enemies, so that the immediate concern of an enemy attack is not lost in a slog of bullet dumping. Honestly, if Alan Wake was shorter I'd be happy if the combat was removed all together. It really pulls away from the experience much more than it gives.

I also don't enjoy the collectibles in the game, especially the ones scattered in massive vehicle levels that require players to stop every 5 seconds to check any area of detail for a thermos or manuscript page.

Reviewed on Nov 26, 2023
