I really liked this! I'm not sure how it compares to DOOM II, but I have a feeling that Midway didn't quite nail down the progression of damage/combat/monsters/whatever the same way id did, which just felt kinda weird.

However, DOOM 64 has some excellent levels. They're detailed, dynamic, and interesting, and once you get the hang of the level style you don't get lost too much. The amount of crazy level changes that happen in 64 were also super cool, especially for '97.

The attention payed to art and environment really does make the difference with this; the mood really does shift around and weigh down on you, rather than the standard halls-and-walls of the first two DOOMs. If id really intended the original DOOM to have a horror bent, then DOOM 64 is the first DOOM game to make good on that intention.

Reviewed on Oct 21, 2021
