Now this is some quality! Music? Great. Art? Great. This big-ass axe I found? Great.

The progressive character leveling and lives system push very hard in the Arcade-trope direction, and while I think that's a super interesting concept to pursue, Project Warlock doesn't quite capitalize on it.

Upgrade and leveling decisions are permeant, and some of them are quite bad. This wouldn't be a problem, since they reset on game reset, but a game reset isn't common enough on normal (Hard or lower) difficulties for this to come up, so it only really shines in Hardcore.

Trouble with Hardcore is that it's an ironman. I don't like ironman modes in general, and even with Project Warlock's bite-size campaign, it is to play in one sitting, so a death at almost any point will feel like a frustrating waste of time.

But, ya know, the actual game is still good.

Reviewed on Mar 15, 2022
