In artistic aspect the game is very good, good art direction, an ok soundtrack, an interesting story, note "eight" if you let only what I mentioned and changed everything else...

Now... in technical terms... the game looks like that kind of game you would buy with the money left over from the Steam wallet after taking sla, an evil Resident. The story that the studio wanted to spend here was very good, but the execution is nitída that is amateur. Game completely without shaders what reveals all the imperfections of the levels, poorly placed scenery objects, very massaging game (you have to fight with all the bosses twice at different times, and there are many), a lot of sausage filling in the backtrack, your characters along with the gameplay almost does not evolve, the minigame of rítimo is too easy and does not have a curve of difficulty to leave more fun, along with the turn RPG system that is simple and does not evolve at all throughout the game.

In short, boring, massaging, amateur game, but with captivating characters and intriguing story. I look forward to the future games of this developer, if they learn from the mistakes of this game.

Reviewed on Mar 25, 2024
