ME3 has some of the best DLCs but this one is my least favourite
It’s just mindless shooting with no plot

I forgot how good this DLC was,
It introduced us to the Batarians and was the first Mass Effect DLC and what a good start this was

They were like people didn’t like the mako let’s put in another shit vehicle

At least it wasn’t in 90% of the missions

Why is this not in The Legendary Edition
It’s such a good DLC

I guess it makes the ending a little bit more plausible but the ending still feels dry

I like but why wasn’t this a normal mission in the main game

What a send off to one of the coolest PlayStation Characters

Me at the age 15 shitting my pants when playing Chapter 19

If you know, you know

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Talbot turns into Mysterio

Some how ruined my love for Chloe

TLOU show is overrated as fuck
This is the Definitive way to experience TLOU
Which makes sense

Playing this in Japanese and black and white is such a vibe

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Why did vaas have to die so early on