Pre-ordered and played a sh#t-ton when it came out, the new format was fine, the story/setlist was okay, okay songs but nothing impressive, difficult or interesting. The reactive crowd was a cool feature and well made, I enjoyed the way they marketed the "bouncing off bandmates" thing.

My main complaint was with the awfully advertised, horrifically monetised and 0 "grind" ability TV mode.

Coming from the height of GH3 and the customs community, the game was a fun refreshing, new challenging take on the format we already loved, with really interesting charts and new patterns to learn, it really had some potential, but you couldn't sit and just play what you wanted.

The TV stations is a brilliant idea don't get me wrong, and a ton of fun, just jamming along with what ever came on while competing with people around the world - even thou the leaderboards were broken - but it should of been its own gamemode. Having to pay real money just to keep replaying the songs you wanted was a terrible idea and was bond to fail from the get-go. Imagine you're trying to FC a difficult song and having to cough up money everytime you wanna play it, and come to think of it, I don't even think there was a practice mode...

We are past the days of standing in the arcade, paying £2 a go to try get the highest score in "Cult of Personality".

If activision over saturating the market by releasing 15 f#cking entries in the span of 3 years wasn't shooting them in the foot enough, making replayability a premium feature definitely done it for me.

The leaderboards did have problems with super overpowered pay-to-win powerups and perks but I wasn't personally effected by that, and I think the game being unbalanced was the least of it's issues.

And look where it got it, half the bands pulled out of their contract to supply stems and music videos for the game to use not even a quarter into it, and the severs got shut down just 3 years after release.

To conclude, the story mode is fine but you could play the whole game in a afternoon, a shame because the controller is fun to relearn. No Practise mode. No Grinding or Replayability without premium currency. Just a overall downgrade in every department to any other game in the series. To think "Warriors of Rock" came before this mess is depressing.

Only thing I can recommend doing is pick a pack of it up for pennies and play customs on PC with the guitar.

Reviewed on Jul 26, 2023
