An interesting short (3-4 hours) horror-ish game, you work as a Home Safety Hotline who needs to answer people’s calls asking for help about trouble in their home and your job is to give them info about what is troubling them and how to solve it. So the gameplay is just listening to people’s calls, then picking whatever is bothering them from a list.

The main draw of this game for me is the disturbance entry itself, they are fun to read, especially when you’re trying to deduce what is bothering the person calling. Some are a bit obtuse though.

The disturbance ranges from the everyday stuff like mice, house fire, spider, etc, to something more fantastical like boggart, hobb, gnome, etc. Each entry will describe what the disturbance is, what danger it will (or won’t) do to the homeowner, and how to handle it.

But what’s even more fun is how some entries are connected to each other, like how Hobb has a lot of variation, or how some disturbance is a continuation from other disturbance if left alone, or my favorite, the spider entry seems to be mundane but it is actually connected to something else later on.

Reviewed on Jan 26, 2024
