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Absolutely adore most of this game. Devoured it within a weekend and that is the ideal length of a game to me. Drill mechanic feels phenomenal. Building up speed, curving around, skipping across the surface of the water, knocking shit down. Fantastic stuff. Loved the additions to the drill too - particularly the grapple points and swing points, the cannons and the snowmobile. They really added to the sense of speed and entering a flow state, especially during segments where you'd have to chain cannon jumps, swings and drilling. Loved it. The gun and mech were cool too! Broke up the flow a bit but they still felt really good! Whole game felt like a flash game/GBA platformer in the best way possible. Short, sweet, plays with one central mechanic in very cool ways.

Generally in non-combat focused games I don't like boss fights. They often feel like they're there for the sake of being there, and most of the time feel like they grind the game to a halt. This was absolutely true here. The first 3 bosses were calm, I was willing to look past them. But the final boss was ASS. Finicky, frustrating, unfun. I hated the drilling between tiny circular platforms thing with a bottomless pit below, it makes moving at any kind of speed a massive risk. Just an unfun ending that completely left a sour taste in my mouth. If it were down to me I'd have redesigned that whole final boss. Made it into one more level where you're drilling into the Emperor dude's giant body and toppling him like that. Maybe even ending with you drilling through his skull like in the logo. But that's just me.
Loved this game otherwise. It being made by one guy is so inspiring, what a labour of love it clearly was.

Reviewed on Mar 31, 2024
