Log Status






Time Played

18h 13m

Days in Journal

1 day

Last played

November 9, 2019

Platforms Played


I really loved Luigi's Mansion on Gamecube. I played it many times and it makes me glad that the lesser Mario brother is getting his own stuff over the years. I haven't played Dark Moon on 3DS but to me, it didn't seem it would be as good as the first. Then they announced a third game was coming and I was very interested in playing.

After buying the game and playing through the story which takes 18-20 hours, I say this was a very fun installment to Luigi's Mansion. Saving Mario, Peach, and Toads from ghosts in a haunted hotel really made for some fun gameplay and there's an unintentional "Hotel Mario" joke you can make with the setting and all.

The graphics look good. Very cartoony and the animations are nice to look at. Designs of ghosts look nice and honestly an improvement from the Dark Moon designs since the boss ghosts in that game just look like slightly different versions of the normal ghosts. Here, you got a ghost that resembles Cleopatra, you got a Disco Queen ghosts, there's even a ghost shark.

And all the boss fights of these ghosts were pretty fun. I kinda got stumped on a few like the botanist and there's some pretty difficult fights but they were fun to do and they felt very creative.

Of course King Boo is the main final boss and his Boos are scattered throughout the hotel and catching the Boos are way more fun than it was in the first game. In the first, you just had to use your Poltergust but it was annoying since they can fly into walls and into other rooms so you had to constantly go in and out of different rooms.

But in this game, it's easier. They can only be found if you use your Dark Light which also helps reveal hidden objects. And when Boos are revealed, they don't leave the room so you have an easier time catching them.

Gameplay is really fun. You have the basics like shining your flashlight and using your poltergeist to suck the ghosts up but there's also some new features such as the burst which makes you jump and the suction shot which is like a grapple to pull apart stuff like vents and locked doors.

There's also your companion known as Gooigi. A clone of Luigi make of goop. His gelatinous form can help you slip through bars to get items that Luigi can't get on his own.

There's a lot of puzzle solving in this game which is to be expected since a lot of that is in the first game. It is a little tedious having to backtrack a lot of times as well as some ghosts running off which gives you more objectives to do before you fight it but for the most part I didn't mind it.

In the end, I think this was a worthy addition to the Luigi's Mansion series and I think a way better improvement over Dark Moon. It's fun, it's atmospheric, and it really has some replay value depending how much you liked doing the story.

Overall, I give Luigi's Mansion 3 an 8/10.