I know I'm literally 10 years late on this one but I had to try it when I saw it was shutting down. I did not care for the story one bit; my goal was to get some American car considering the location and visit all the main attractions and landmarks (little did I know that the 31 of March was not included in the days you can still play the same). Got in my red Mustang and started exploring, 1170 real life kilometers later I was done with everything besides the west coast. Imagine my face today when I hopped on to finish and see the servers are done. Fuck you Ubisoft for not allowing an offline mode. Guess now I'll have to look on YouTube for the west coast. Anyway, the vibes at the end of it were great, relaxing cruising to see iconic stuff in the US. I even got used to the driving mechanics.

Screenshots: https://www.imagebam.com/view/GAAYMV

West Coast landmarks: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ny0EdIp8BTw

Reviewed on Mar 31, 2024

1 Comment

2 months ago

Wasn't just you, I thought I could finish playing today too.