Gothic / Steampunk Action-RPG, Soulslike

- Fascinating setting and art direction, every single area is amazing;
- One of the most accessible soulslike;
- There are a lot of inspired weapons;
- Enemies and bosses are unique in design;
- The codex of characters and enemies is rich of informations if you want to go deeper, and the story is cool.


- There are technical issues everywhere (glitches, poor performances, etc.);
- The gameplay has some flaws: enemies never stun (you won't be able to interrupt them mid animation) if not with parries which are weapon locked, heavy weapons are almost useless and elemental damage is broken;
- Bosses feel too easy, they literally stop moving for a few seconds during battle;
- Exploration in the 90% of the cases feels pointless and not rewarding.

Reviewed on Oct 09, 2022
