The best game in the original trilogy by a long shot. While the first is the only one that's truly a solvable mystery from start to finish, this one is still a lot more solvable than 2.

It's also the one with the deepest, most emotional story; the best voice acting (Miller puts in his best performance yet by far, actually making Layton feel more fleshed out); best OST; generally great puzzles; and overall feels like the most complete game. You can tell this was meant to be the last game, though I am very much happy we got the prequel trilogy, plus a new sequel incoming!

Just an absolute banger.

And yeah, I still weep at the ending.

My only real criticism is that between everyone pining for Claire and how this is the best Flora is treated (and it's still not great...), the treatment of women in this game definitely could do with some improvement. Claire and Flora are, at least, great characters from what we see of them at least. And I wouldn't call this game or series misogynistic or anything like that, I just wish Flora had more to do, and Claire wasn't just the motivation for everyone ever.

oh and i love don paolo he funny

Reviewed on Oct 28, 2023
