You know I was originally going to write out my thoughts after my first playthrough, but then I ended up doing two more and I somehow am finally putting the game down two months later. This is both a testament to it being good and me poor as shit.

Dragon's Dogma 2 can be a problematic game cause if you liked Dragon's Dogma, well I hope you really liked it. This game is Dragon's Dogma, but more and with some kinks ironed out, but not all of them. The game is janky and crusty, it can be frustrating, there's a bit of the Red Dead 2/Rockstar Games FUCK YOU physics going on. Yet unlike that it doesn't bother me as much here cause similar to Death Stranding (which I have yet to finish oops) it all still feels very responsive and snappy in comparison. The most annoying thing being really that to this day and forever going forward I will always be spoiled by Breath of the Wild just letting me climb any surface and any game that doesn't let me do that is immediately going to be worse off for me. But who cares this shit is fun as fuck. It really makes you work for that Frank Frazetta art power fantasy, but when you get to the point where you're doing that? Oooohhh babyyyyyyyy. Lordy it looks good too. Seen a lot of people say it looks like a PS3 game with the art direction it has and like yes bro. I want the sequel to a PS3 game to look like a sequel to a PS3 game. PS3 could never pull off the lighting you get from the RT in this. Probably the first implementation of it in a Capcom game I've really liked. I took the FPS hits fuck it. That shit mean nothing to me when the game good enough.

Honestly would say the game's weakest element is its story again. It does the whole very minimalist thing where everything is sort of just happening as it goes along shtick once more. This time though it hits a massive brick wall when you reach Battahl for a couple of hours. You're just left there sort of meandering doing random quests. Getting attacked left and right cause someone decided every inch of the map needed to be goblins and wolves and gore harpies. Then it suddenly straps you to a jet engine off a cliff into the craziest climax I've seen in a game since well... Itsuno's last project which was DMC5. The Unmoored World is just oh my god holy fuck the Unmoored World and the concept of it is just so sick. Cannot believe this game got to do it's own version of the depths from Tears of the Kingdom, but then fused that shit with the Red Earth hellscape from Shin Evangelion. I cum.

Excited for whatever the DLC ends up being especially if we get something that's a follow up that actually expands on everything that happened and isn't just another BBI. God it's so refreshing to play a new Action RPG that isn't a stupid ass Soulslike. God bless.

Wilhelmina best girl I ain't arguing with anyone who tries to say otherwise.

Reviewed on May 16, 2024
