Hideaki Itsuno really just does games inspired by manga he likes huh? Bleach with DMC4 and now Berserk and other fantasy manga like Claymore with this.

Last played this in 2013 on PS3 with the crusty letterboxing and framerate when I only had a copy of the base game and this may be one of the most pleasant replays of any game in recent memory.

With my 2022 brain talking I can say that Dragon's Dogma isn't perfect and is full of things that have been mostly ironed out or dealt with through quality of life changes in more recent open world games, but I would argue this alone gives it personality these other games don't have. DD doesn't have silly Ubisoft towers you scour the map for to find fast travel points or any of that. You have to find crystals and set them near areas you'll be passing by a lot specifically to do that and without the help of DLC the Ferrystone item to use for fast traveling is finite. This really was the game I was wishing for back in 2011 when Skyrim released and while I enjoyed my time with that, this just absolutely demolishes it when that insane choir comes up when you knock a huge monster down. Insane to me this released during Capcom's horrible western outsourcing/COD player appeal phase. Itsuno GOATED for this one and I hope whenever DD2 happens he makes it it's own thing to truly make it stand out from the modern open world game.

Story a bit nonsense, but it's good fantasy novel nonsense with Japanese CUHRAYZEE hype and pulls off SMT shit by the end with gameplay sequences that feel like playable Frank Frazetta art so I must simply stan. Climatic battle against Grigori easily an all timer in the hall of OH YEAH THIS IS HAPPENING moments in gaming. Bliss.

Anyways, how can a game where I can make a huge tan muscle girl that swings a giant sword around be bad???

Reviewed on Jan 10, 2022
